Friday, November 12, 2010

Lousy Days/Weeks

"This is just not my week."
Sound familiar? If you were around me at all this week then you probably heard me say it. It wasn't my week; every day I had at least one thing go wrong. From the major-heart-crushing-news to the minor-locking-my-keys-in-my-car days, I had at least one thing every day that made me just want to bash my head against the table(something I did only once). On top of that it was a test week, so I was trying to stay focused on school.... HA!

On one of my not-so-great mornings Mom looked at me and went "Hannie, it is your day. This is the day God has given you." And then I ran out the door so I wouldn't be late to class (But Mom, I did listen to you!).

My epiphany; this might not have been my week but it was God's week. Why? Because I was pushed to depend solely on Him through the week. There was absolutely no way I would have made it through the week without Him. Granted, my parents and friends were also instrumental in it, but there is a peace and strength you can get only from God. He wants me to depend on Him, and sometimes I am in positions where I have to. I am weak, He is strong. And when I ask Him too, He leads me through the lousy days and I fall even deeper in Love with Him.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you daughter dear for "hearing" me.
    Was that the morning you left the toast on the counter?
    I love you..
