The theme this year; STAND.
I have more than one post to make about what they taught this weekend, but the overall theme that you came away with was a challenge to stand. To stand not only for your beliefs and the Bible, but to stand and be strong for those around you that are too weak or discouraged to stand on their own.
Sometimes being willing to take a stand is terrifying. But really, do we have any excuse? Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego (or if you watch Veggie Tales, Obednaboo!) stood for their beliefs and got themselves chucked into a burning furnace. A furnace, mind you, that was burning SEVEN times hotter than normal. The men who threw them into the furnace died because it was so hot. And yet, what happened? God met them there. When King Nebuchadnezzar looked into the furnace he saw didn't see three piles of ash, he saw four beings, standing and moving about.
These three guys had a habit of standing for their beliefs and convictions. Earlier on when they were with Daniel, they showed a considerable amount of courage by approaching the commander who had been placed over them by the king and asking for vegetables and water. Forget the meat, forget the rich foods... We want veggies. What happened? It says that "God granted Daniel favor and compassion in the sight of the commander of the officials that he might not defile himself." They were granted their veggies and water, and ended up being placed in the king's personal service. Wow.
Fast-forward a ways... Nebuchadnezzar creates this huge, obscene golden image and says that everyone has to worship it whenever the horn blows. Here we have Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nago (Daniel isn't in this story, sorry!), who refuse to bow and because of it are brought before the king. The king questions them, and they respond by saying they don't need to answer him as to why they won't bow down, because their God will save them not only from the furnace but from the king's hand. And even if He doesn't, they won't bow down anyways.
Catch this (I never noticed this before), it says "Then Nebuchadnezzar was filled with wrath and his facial expression was altered toward Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nago." I'm picturing a little kid with his face all wound up, about ready to let go of one of those screams... You know how they suck in their breath for what seems like forever and you go grab the earplugs because you know what is about to come out of their mouth is going to be LOUD? Yeah, that kind of face. He was about to throw an adult-sized temper tantrum for not getting what he wanted.
And he does. He cranks the heat up on the furnace, ties up the guys, and throws them in. The guys who throw our famous three in die because it's so hot.
And there, in the midst of the fire, God meets them.
The rewards for this? Huge. Nebuchadnezzar blesses God and makes a decree that says that nasty things (think limb-ripping) will happen to anyone who doesn't worship the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nago... And in the next chapter, "The King Acknowledges God." WOOT!!
I'm not saying you should stand up for something simply because there might be a reward at the end. Sometimes there isn't an immediate reward.. But God has shown how He stands with, and rewards those who earnestly seek Him. And how amazing would it be to take a stand, big or small, and as a result of it, be able to say that "_____ Acknowledges God!" I think that that would be pretty much incredible.
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