Circumstantial faith is when you believe based on your current circumstances. If life is all hunky-dory, you stick God in a backpack and live your life the way you want it to. But when life gets rough you dump the backpack out and beg Him to make things better.
In the same way, we also have physical blessings. We don't feel blessed unless it is a blessing such as a new car, good job, boyfriend, well-paying job, big house, or fancy clothes.
Both of these will falter when the going gets tough. Our circumstances are not always going to be amazing, and we won't always have everything materialistic that we think we should. If we believe and find our security in these things, it will be short lived.
Our faith should be based on Him and what He did for us on the cross. Because of who He is, what He did, and our confidence that He will do what He promises to do, we can rest assured that our faith is solid.
Likewise, we should look at our blessings from a spiritual viewpoint rather than a physical one. He has chosen us, adopted us, redeemed us, and forgiven us. How much more do we need? Even when life is falling apart, shouldn't knowing that the Creator of everything we see and know wants to be with us be enough for us? Do we really need anything else if we know that He chose us as His own, adopting us as His children, freeing us from our sins through redemption and His forgiveness? I'd say that should be enough to bless our socks off from here until eternity!!!
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